martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Plants Reproduction

Plant have different ways of reproducing. Plants with flower or cones seeds. Other plants reproduce by spores.

Flower and Seeds

Flowering plants are vascular plants. Daffodils are flowering plants. they produce seeds.

Cones and Seeds

Plants with cones are vascular plants called conifers. They make seeds and have cones instead of flowers.

Vascular Plants with Spores

Some vascular plants form spores. Fern spores form in cases on the underside o leaves. They look like brown dots and streaks.

Nonvascular Plants with Spores

Mosses are nonvascular plants. they make spores. Each spore case holds hundreds of spores.

Non-Vascular and Vascular Plants.m4v

Plants Classification

Scientists classify plants by the way they transport nutrients and by how they reproduce.

Vascular plants

Vascualar plants are plants with tubelike structures that transport water and nutrients to all parts of the plant. They also add support to the stems and leaves. Also help the plant grow larger.

Examples: Wildflowers...

...and ferns

Nonvascular plants

Nonvascular plants are plants that pass water and nutrients from cell to cell.


lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Classifying Organism

Scientists classify living things. Classify is to arrange or sort objects or living things according to their properties or characteristics.

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Lesson 4: How do scientist draw conclusions

"Prepare for the Science Fair" by Kevin Temmer

Método Científico

Feria Científica

Science Fair Central- Science Fairs offers students an opportunity to practice science investigation and invention

Feria Científica

Feria Científica!!!

Ya comenzaron a trabajar en el proyecto de Feria Científica los estudiantes que estaban interesados. Recuerden estar pendiente a las fechas de entrega. ¡Exito a todos con sus proyectos!


Queridos estudiantes de cuarto grado:

Bienvenidos al el "Blog" de su clase del Ciencias. Aquí podrán encontrar  videos, presentaciones en "power point", enlaces; entre otras cosas. ¡Espero que lo disfruten mucho! 

Maestra Yarí