miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Animal Migration and Winter Adaptations - Kids learning Animation Video


Jellyfish Lake

Great Migrations - Creepy Crawly Crabs

Great Migrations: Red Crab Marathon


Stimulus is something that causes a reaction in a living thing.

When a turtle pull its head inside its shell, it is reacting to something it has heard, seen, or smelled in its environment.

Every behavior is caused by a stimulus.

the rabbit is running because it feel threatened.

The squirrel is climbing the tree because it feel threatened.

Adaptations in Animals




Animal Adaptations for Kids -Lesson with Quiz



Bird Beak and Feet Adaptation

Click Here!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Roots, Stem, and Leaves

The Parts of a Plant

Chloroplats/ Chlorophyll

Chloroplast are tiny structures in the cell. Usually is where the photosynthesis takes place. It contains chlorophyll.


Chlorophyll is the substance in the plants that makes their parts green and captures energy from sunlight.


Photosynthesis - How Plants make Food- 2-Video for Kids by makemegenius.com

Photosynthesis - How Plants make Food- 2-Video for Kids by makemegenius.com

Learn About Plants - Photosynthesis

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Seed dispersal

Learn About Plants - Seed Dispersal

How do seeds travel (Video Lesson)

Este video les presenta cómo la semilla puede llegar de la planta o flor al suelo para poder comenzar un nuevo ciclo de vida. Las personas, los animales, el viento y el agua son parte del proceso por el cual las semillas se pueden dispersar o regar en el suelo para así comenzar un nuevo ciclo de vida.

The Beauty of Pollination - Moving Art™

Pollination Rock

"Pollen" a Stop Motion Science animation video by Lucas Miller Pollinati...

Parts of a Flower -Functions ...for Kids ,Kindergarten,Preschoolers

Parts of the Flower